Transitions in early childhood can be a difficult time for our littles and can sometimes result in challenging behaviors. Transitions occur any time children move from one activity to another. Moving from playtime to cleanup or dinner time to bath time are just a few examples of transitions in a typical daily schedule but they can also involve activities happening on the move like leaving the library to go to the grocery store. In today’s post I am going to discuss why our littles have such a tough time with transitions and then give a few strategies to help you and them move throughout the day with a bit more ease.
What I Backstock and Why
I am not someone who keeps things around that I don’t really need and I definitely don’t like a bunch of clutter around but my backstocking tendancies are why I cannot officially give myself the minimalist title. When I am talking about backstocked items, I am not talking about household staples that I always keep around the house but rather the items that I keep around in bulk. They are my backups and honestly backups to my backups. It may sound really silly, but I do this for a few reasons:
Kitchen Inspiration
It’s kitchen time!! I mean, who doesn’t love to plan their dream kitchen? I bounced around A LOT with the overall design of the space mainly because I couldn’t decide on paint colors, but we struggled for a bit with the layout too. Let’s start with one of the first images that I pinned for the kitchen.
My Natural Deodorant Journey
In October of 2020, I bought my first natural deodorant because I wanted to get away from using toxic products on my body. I had already started the search for new hair and body products and while I heard from so many friends that natural deodorant was a tough one to switch to, I was willing to try it out. I definitely did not think it would have taken me five months to find something that actually worked for me. And let me tell you, it’s been a weird and stinky five months! 🙂
Eco-Friendly Kitchen Swaps for Beginners
Making eco-friendly swaps around the house isn’t always easy and trust me when I say that I know what an investment they can be at the beginning. I started my household swaps a year ago and have put all of these products (any many more that didn’t make the list) to the test.
Using Consequences Instead of Punishment
The ultimate goal as parents and caregivers is to help our children become independent human beings. This means that your…
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