Last week, I started putting together a small emergency kit to keep in my purse (ya know, because I’m an adult now) and I had all of the items at my house. Well, all except for one. A tide stick. But then I got to thinking, if I am trying so hard to switch all of my products to ones with clean ingredients, then I can’t use a tide stick on a regular basis!
My Natural Deodorant Journey
In October of 2020, I bought my first natural deodorant because I wanted to get away from using toxic products on my body. I had already started the search for new hair and body products and while I heard from so many friends that natural deodorant was a tough one to switch to, I was willing to try it out. I definitely did not think it would have taken me five months to find something that actually worked for me. And let me tell you, it’s been a weird and stinky five months! 🙂
Eco-Friendly Kitchen Swaps for Beginners
Making eco-friendly swaps around the house isn’t always easy and trust me when I say that I know what an investment they can be at the beginning. I started my household swaps a year ago and have put all of these products (any many more that didn’t make the list) to the test.
Clean Beauty Swaps
This past year has been a wild one but one of the good things that came out of the 2020…
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